Our Governors

Here at Corringham Church of England Primary School, we are very proud to work with, and be part of, such a wonderful school.  

The Governing Body, together with the Head Teacher, staff and Local Authority, is responsible for the school.

We must hold the school to account for the standards it achieves, ensuring that all the resources, including the budget and staff, are properly used to meet the needs of all the children and provide value for money.


Who we are:

Name Position/Responsibility Category
Dr Chris Hunt Chair of Governors Community 
Mrs Lesley Rollings Vice Chair Community
Mrs Victoria Elwess Chair of Finance/Health & Safety Governor/eSafety Parent
Mrs Elaine Fillingham Safeguarding Governor/SEN/ Local Authority
Mr Matt Housham Health & Safety Parent
Mrs Janice Jakins   Staff
Mrs Esther Watt Jones   Staff
Mrs Trish Hardwick   Foundation
Vacancy   Foundation


If you would like to contact a governor, please do so through our clerk, Mrs C Hammerton on enquiries@corringham.lincs.sch.uk with the word 'Governor' in the title.

If you would be interested in becoming a governor at our school, please get in touch.  We are currently looking for Foundation Governors.

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We would love to hear from you!

CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS