Owls 5/6 2024 - 2025

Mr Reeve

Welcome to the Owls Class

My school email: patrick.reeve@corringham.lincs.sch.uk


Welcome to the Owls Class!

We are a Y5/6 class of 35 pupils. The class teacher is Mr.Reeve and the Owls teaching assistants (on different days and times!) are Mrs. Milne, Mrs.E. Burnett and Mrs. Grundy.

Our topic in Term 1, is called "Children at War." We have already enjoyed an excellent visit to Eden Camp in Malton, North Yorkshire. To support our topic we will be studying the novel "Friend or Foe," following the adventures of two young evacuees. This text will enable pupils to develop their close reading and creative writing skills.

In Maths lessons, our topics will include place value, number rules, measuring and shape. There will be an emphasis on problem-solving skills as well as calculation skills.

Alongside our exciting History study, our Science topic is "Light." Most aspects of our Geography, Art and DT will be linked to the "Children at War" topic.

French lessons will be taught on Wednesday afternoons by Mrs L. Burnett.

Our RE topic this term is called "Being Human" and we will begin by exporing different aspects of Islam.

PE lessons will be taught on Tuesday mornings by Ben, from Premier Education.

Half of the Owls will attend swimming lessons during terms 1 and 2, while the other half will take part in PE at school on Thursday afternoons. As an extra service, Gary, from Lincolnshire Cricket, we lead 5 sessions with all classes on Wednesdays. He will also coach a group of pupils to become "Playground leaders."

Don't forget to bring in any sporting certificates, medals or trophies for our Friday Celebration assembly, as well as any other out of school achievements.

This term, Y6 pupils will take part in a multi-skills sport festival with a number of other local schools, at West Lindsey Leisure Centre on Friday 4th October. (Y5 pupils will take part in a festival on Friday 15th November).

There are plenty of extra opportunities for older pupils this term. We will be taking part in our own Harvest Festival at St. Laurence's Church and the Y6 pupils (alongside the school council) will deliver the harvest to members of our local community. Congratulations to our newly elected school councilors: Erin, Rosie, Grayson, Evan, Ella, Nia, Poppy and Raya. Their first challenge is to organise a Macmillan Coffee Morning on Friday 27th September. 

All Owls pupils are invited to join our school choir (we practise on Tuesday lunchtimes) and also the ukulele band. Don't worry if you can't play the ukulele at all yet, or you don't have your own instrument. Come along, join in and have fun! We will be performing at the Harvest Festival and at Christmas Concerts (including Springthorpe Church on Sunday 8th December). If you enjoy singing, don't forget to sign up for "Young Voices" if you haven't already!

Please click on "Curriculum Overview" and the "Owls Long-Term plan," to find more details about our topics and events that will be happening throughout the year.

Don't forget to look at our class photographs. I will update these pages regularly. 

Here are some useful websites to look at to help you with this term's learning:

We've already have lots of fun using "Scratch," but practise at home to learn new skills! Let me know if you have forgotten your Purple Mash password...





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CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS