Badgers 1/2 2023 - 2024

Mrs Burnett


Welcome to the Brilliant Badgers!

Spring term 1

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As the weather is cold and changeable at this time of year, please ensure gloves, hats and scarves are named to avoid items getting lost. 

Our lockers are very popular with the children and have made a positive impact in keeping the corridors tidier and safer. If your child brings in a back pack, please ensure that these are of a reasonable size as they need to keep coats, lunch boxes, book bags, gloves, scarves etc in their lockers.

Our History topic this term is The History of Transport.  English will be based on the film Up!  and the children will be making hot air balloons as part of our D&T. Science focuses on Everyday Materials.

Maths looks at shape addition and subtraction, fractions, multiplication, division and shape. We encourage the children to use manipulatives to support their learning and they have access to extend their own learning in both the Discovery Zone and our outside area during COOL time.

Alice - clay leaf.jpg  COOL time.jpg  Evie - pastels.jpg  Numicon City 2.jpg  PV.jpg  clocks.jpg  measuring.jpg  our windmill.jpg  


We use Seesaw for the children to record evidence of their learning and also activities they choose to do during COOL time. This can be accessed both at school and home. Please have a look at your child's work in their folder. 

Reading and Phonics in Badgers

Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Phonics Scheme

This year, we have decided to use the Little Wandle phonics scheme. Phonics is taught daily and reading practise takes place three times a week. During these sessions, the chldren will read books at their relevant phonic level and the books are changed weekly. Each session will have a different focus, decoding, prosody and comprehension. Following the reading practise, the e-books will be uploaded weekly for your child to read at home. Most children will be able to read them independently and they need to be able to read 90% of the book fluently. Please endeavour to read the books three times a week. 

Sharing Books

Your child is able to choose a book from the school library and bring it home to share with you. These books are reading for pleasure with or by you to encourage a love of reading. Please return the book on a Tuesday morning.

School Reading Books

Children still have access to a school reading book which they keep in school. They read these books with an adult, with their Reading Buddy and independently. In the files, you can find a list of recommended reading books for both Year 1 and Year 2.

You may also wish to use Oxford Owl ebooks or Teach your Monster to Read which is a great app

Teach your Monster to read


PE will take place each Tuesday. This will be outdoors and therefore, please ensure your child has the appropriately named PE Kit. Your child needs to come to school in their PE clothes. Swimming takes place on Thursday afternoon. Group 2 swim from January to Easter.

Some useful websites …

Year 1 Phonics Screening Support Phonics

Oxford Owl phonics support

Phonic activities             Oxford Owl – interactive books

Interactive Literacy, Maths and Science activities


Files to Download

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Badgers 1/2: Gallery items

World Book Day 2024, by Mrs Burnett

Badgers 1/2: Calendar items

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Artsmark logo Sing Up Platinum Award Internet Odyssey Primary Science Quality Mark Silver School Games Bronze

We would love to hear from you!

CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS