Dates to remember

Tuesday - MSP - PE kits to be worn to school

Thursday - PE - PE kits to be worn to school

                   Reading diaries to be handed in

                   Spelling Bingo

Friday - Celebration Assembly - by invitation

5/9/22   Staff Training Day

6/9/22   Children return to school

26/9/22  Vlue vaccinations

7/10/22   MacMillan coffee morning

12/10/22   Harvest Festival at Corringham Church

24/10/22  Half Term week

3/11/22   Spooky Disco at Village Hall

8/11/22   Parent consultations

9/11/22   Parent consultations

1/12/22   Christmas Fayre

16/12/22  Last day of term


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We would love to hear from you!

CorringhamChurch of England Primary School
Middle Street, Corringham, Gainsborough
Lincolnshire DN21 5QS